Law is a body of rules that governs the conduct of people and their relationships to each other and to property. The rules are typically enforced by a controlling authority through penalties. Law also includes the judicial system that interprets and applies the rules. Lawyers are professionals who advise clients about the law and represent them in court.
Laws serve several goals, including establishing standards, maintaining order, resolving disputes and protecting liberties and rights. People often disagree about what is right and wrong, and if there are no laws to guide them, these conflicts can lead to violence or even war. Laws help keep peace by providing a way to settle disagreements without violence, such as through arbitration or litigation. In addition, laws help ensure that all people are treated fairly and equally. For example, if two people claim ownership of the same property, the law can determine who is the legitimate owner.
Throughout history, different countries have adopted various legal systems. Some, such as the United States, have a common law system in which judges decide what is right and wrong based on their interpretation of precedents (other cases that have previously been decided). Other nations have civil law systems in which specific rules are laid out for judges to follow when deciding cases.
The laws of a country are typically developed and enacted by its legislative branch. Legislators are elected officials who represent the people. They are usually part of a political party and must be approved by a majority of the legislature to become a member. The legislative branch also approves appropriations for the judiciary, and it is the judicial branch that interprets the laws and rules.
There are many different fields in which lawyers can specialize, such as administrative law; aviation law; biolaw; corporate law; contract law; family law; intellectual property law; labour law; maritime law; medical jurisprudence; tax law; and tort law. In addition to specializing, lawyers must pass a bar exam and meet other requirements before being licensed to practice law in their respective jurisdictions.
Although the purpose of law is to protect liberty and promote the common good, there are times when the law can be abused by those in power. For this reason, some experts in legal studies have advocated the use of checks and balances to limit the power of government agencies and prevent corruption. For example, laws can provide transparency by requiring agencies to publish their records and by giving citizens the right to appeal decisions. Other safeguards against abuse include a free press, independent courts and checks on the transition of power.